Fiji, Tokelau and Cook Islands
8. Invasive Species Work in Fiji, Tokelau and Cook Islands
Since 2011, this work has included ecological surveys, feasibility studies for restoring islands and developing more effective biosecurity plans for Suwarrow and an Invasive Species Action Plan (with Environment staff and Pacific Biosecurity) for the Tokelau.
Publications and Key Reports for Fiji, Tokelau and Cook Islands
Gruber M,Pierce RJ, Burne AR, Naseri-Sale L, Lester PJ. 2018. Using community engagement and biodiversity surveys to inform decisions to control invasive species: a case study of yellow crazy ants in Atafu, Tokelau. Pacific Conservation Biology, CSIRO Special Issue [LINK]
Wragg G, Pierce R, Watling D.2015 Natewa National Park: Opportunities for Effective Nature Conservation and Sustainable Ecological Development. ISBN: 978-982-9810-81-6
Pierce R, Boudjelas S, Cranwell S. 2014. Trip report on a Suwarrow biosecurity planning workshop and a survey of Takūtea, Cook Islands, May 2014. Eco Oceania Pty Ltd Report for Darwin Initiative, Te Ipukarea Trust and Takutea Trust.
Pierce R, Gruber M, Perez M. 2013. Tokelau Invasive Species Action Plan. Report for Tokelau Administration and CEPF.
Pierce R, Gruber M, Atherton J, Burne A, Valu M, Whistler A. 2012. A conservation survey of Tokelau. Eco Oceania Pty Ltd Plan for Tokelau Administration and Conservation International [LINK]