French Polynesian Conservation Projects
3. Endangered Bird Research in French Polynesia
Surveys and research on Tuamotu Sandpiper (Endangered) and Polynesian Ground-dove (Critical) and other threatened species took place between 2001 and 2015 in conjunction with SOP Manu and BirdLife Pacific. Key objectives have been to assess opportunities for recovery of these threatened species via rat and cat eradication, coconut plantation management, improved biosecurity, etc.
Key Bird Research Reports & Publications
A Conservation Action Plan for Two Endangered Seabirds - Phoenix Petrel (Pterodroma alba) and Polynesian Storm-petrel (Nesofregetta fuliginosa), 2020-2025
Pierce RJ, Blanvillian C, Ghestemme. 2016. Species Action Plan for the Critically Endangered Polynesian Ground-dove
Pierce RJ, Blanvillain C, Burle M-H. 2015. Preliminary report on bird research and monitoring associated with SOP Manu pest eradications in Acteon-Gambier, French Polynesia, June 2015. EcoOceania Report for SOP Manu and BirdLife Pacific.
Vanderwerf EA., Pierce RJ , Gill VA, Wragg G, Raust P, Tibbitts TL. 2006. Pelagic seabird surveys in the Tuamotu and Gambier Archipelagos, French Polynesia. Marine Ornithology 34: 65–70. [LINK]
Pierce RJ, Blanvillain C. 2004. Current status of the endangered Tuamotu sandpiper or Titi Prosobonia cancellata and recommended actions for its recovery. Wader Study Group Bulletin 105: 93-100.
Pierce R, Raust P, Wragg G. 2003. Report on an avifauna survey of atolls in the Tuamotu and Austral Archipelagos, French Polynesia. Wildland Consultants Report for New Zealand Agency for International Development and Haut-Commisariat de la République en Polynésia Francaise.