Solomon Islands and PNG Research
4. Bird Research in the Solomon Islands & PNG
Surveys for endangered fruit bats and birds were undertaken in the Santa Cruz Islands (Temotu) in 2014-17 and Rennell in 2018 to assess conservation opportunities. In the Santa Cruz Islands, key discoveries were that the IUCN Critical Vanikoro Flying-fox was still present on Vanikoro and the Endangered Santa Cruz Ground-dove was still present in good numbers on rat-free Tinakula. The tricky landing at Tinakula has contributed to keeping it rat-free, but it has been invaded by Yellow crazy ants and Wasmannia (little fire ants) and is now the focus of urgent conservation research and management (Pierce et al. 2018). Meanwhile habitat studies indicates that proposed commercial logging looms as a huge threat for the Endangered Santa Cruz Shrikebill and Santa Cruz Flying-fox on Nendo.
Rennell Island World Heritage Area
In July 2018 I was privileged to join a BirdLife Pacific field team to assist with determining the status of birds and invasive species in the East Rennell World Heritage Area and evaluate potential management options. This is a beautiful and little visited part of the world supporting many endemic species and subspecies, including the stunning Rennell Shrikebill, all to the backdrop of Lake Tengano and coral reefs. Unfortunately, several invasive species have invaded and penetrated the entire island in recent years and this includes notably Black Rats and Little Fire Ants (Wasmannia auropunctata). There is still time, however, to trial the benefits of different management regimes for biota and community gardens and implement more effective biosecurity to prevent further invasives from arriving. A report is being prepared.
Reports on the research carried out in the Solomon Islands and PNG
Lavery, 2020. Ecology and conservation of bats in Temotu Province, Solomon Islands and Torba Province, Vanuatu. CSIRO, Pacific Conservation Biology, URL:
Preliminary Report on Tinakula and Reef Islands Surveys of Vakavakatia (Santa Cruz Ground-dove) and Vlumba (Palm Lorikeet). October 2019
Pierce, RJ, Collar N, Bolton D. 2018. Species Action Plan for the Endangered Santa Cruz Ground-dove Alopecoenas sanctaecrucis
Pierce, RJ 2017. Bird and Invasive Species Work at Santa Cruz Islands, Solomon's, in October 2017,
Pierce R. 2016. Surveys and conservation planning for the Santa Cruz Ground-dove and Santa Cruz Shrikebill, Solomon Islands, September – October 2016. Eco Oceania Pty Ltd Report for CEPF. [LINK]
Pierce R. 2014. Surveys of threatened birds and flying-foxes in the Santa Cruz Islands, Solomon Islands, September – October 2014. Eco Oceania Pty Ltd Report for CEPF.
Pierce R. 2009. Community monitoring of threatened birds in the Lakekamu Basin - report on a reconnaissance trip in December 2008. Eco Oceania Pty Ltd report for Conservation International and the Lakekamu Basin communities.